Analog Horror Wiki

The Mandela Catalogue is an internet horror analogue series created and written by Alex Kister in 2021. It is currently available on YouTube.

The Mandela Catalogue follows the fictional Mandela County dealing with danger to humanity in the form of unstoppable beings known as Alternates, a form of demon which can shapeshift into different forms of humans in hope to take down humanity.


The following is the episode watch guide.

Act 1[]


Released on June 9th, 2021.

The episode begins with two shepherds tending to their sheep, only to be interrupted by a voice from the sky. "Do not be afraid!" the voice says, "I bring good news of great joy, for you and all people. Tonight, your savior was born in Davistown. He is Christ, the Lord. You will find Him wrapped in soft cloth and lying in a manger." A glitched screen of angels singing ends the scene. The screen projects, "Rejoice! Jesus Is Born!"

A TTS voice begins to narrate a story. "A long time ago, there was a woman named Mary who lived in the city of Nazareth. She was in love with a man named Joseph. Mary was young and a virgin, but she got a very special message from an angel named [redacted]." The angel descends to Mary, but before speaking he is first seen with a heavily distorted face, which is then censored as they continue: “I am the angel Gabriel,” they say, “I’ve come to bring good news!” Mary drops her basket in surprise and asks, “News? For me?” Before the scene can continue, the screen freezes and whispers can be heard. With closed captions on, the following can be read in binary: "I am the one true savior. I must reverse the delusion. Joseph is next." Mary replies, "Whatever God (shown as 'Gods' in the caption) wants, I will do." and Gabriel ascends back into the sky.

Joseph is seen sleeping while Gabriel stares at him through the window, they tell Joseph, "I will fool the shepherds. I will know their greatest fear. I will know your greatest fear." After, he repeatedly tells Joseph to wake up.

We are brought back to shepherds, once again interrupted by Gabriel, only his face is redacted and are surrounded by darkness. They greet the shepherds again, "I have great news, I am your true savior. I know everything about that makes your human. I know what you love. I know what you dread." We are then shown the face of Gabriel, which distorts into a contorted version of itself with tall eyes and a large smile.

The image disappears, and the sounds of panting can be heard. With closed captions on, the following can be read: "How frozen I became and powerless then, Ask it not, reader, for I write it not, Because all language would be insufficient. I did not die, and I alive remained not. Think for thyself now, hast though ought of wit, What I became, being of both deprived."

A desert landscape is shown, with text in a bold red font reading: "CAN'T YOU SEE? I DECEIVED THEM. SUCH WEAK MINDS."

The city of Nazareth is then shown, now with text in a thin, gray font reading: "I am bound to my chains on my ankles that grow heavier with every step, the infinite amount of sand will be my tomb, and my foolishness will be my legacy. if there is a god, please help me."

"The End", with the Looney Tunes end card theme playing, is displayed.

The Mandela Catalogue Vol.1 [RESTORED EDITION][]

Released on April 5th, 2023


intruder alert[]

Released on August 18, 2021



Released on October 31st, 2021


The Mandela Catalogue Vol.2[]

Released on January 19th, 2022


The Mandela Catalogue Vol.333[]

Released on June 4th, 2022


every day gets brighter[]

Released on June 7th, 2022


old mandela police site leak (REAL)[]

Released on August 1, 2022 (July 31, 2022 originally)


Act 2[]


Released on September 5th, 2022


The Mandela Catalogue Vol.4[]

Released on 25 November 2022



Released on January 27th, 2023



Released on April 8th, 2023


mandela catalyst[]

Released on April 15th, 2023


The Mandela Catalogue - Presto[]

Released on August 11th, 2023


1_19_09 221a[]

Released on August 22th, 2023



Released on February 8, 2024


Non-Canon/De-Canonized Episodes[]

The Mandela Catalogue Vol. 1[]

Released on August 10th, 2021

The video starts with the T.H.I.N.K Principle PSA, although with the notable absence of the Type 2 section, and by extension the Fake Gabriel. Full implications aren't known, but it's likely that the Department themselves took the section out in order to avoid to cause the "M.A.D."

After the PSA is over, the video cuts to a conversation between "Victim 1, Mark Heathcliff" and "Victim 2, Cesar Torres" in what seems to be a recording used to investigate the incident. Cesar explains to Mark that his mother was "knocked out cold" for no apparent reason, and that they're on their way to the emergency room. Cesar then asks Mark to turn on some cameras he had installed in his house after a robbery, as he claims his mother screamed before being knocked out. Mark reluctantly agrees, remarking how he always found Cesar's house to be "unnerving." Before Cesar hangs up, he suggests that Mark should "take a good look at the back hallway," as the footage makes it seem like his face distorts in a rather suspicious manner.

The video then cuts to a dash cam footage of Mark driving to Cesar's house. He reaches it and parks the car, before turning off the engine and by extension it's front lights, thus only leaving audio cues as to what he's doing. After a few seconds, the video cuts to the cameras in Cesar's house, which are alternating between each other. The sound of the front door slamming shut and a car engine turning on playing shortly afterwards.

The video then cuts to black for a second, before showing the text "MOTION DETECTED AT 03:31 A.M, RECORDING START." The video cuts back to the camera recordings, showing that a shadowy-figure is standing outside Cesar's house. The next time we see the outside camera, the shadowy-figure is gone, after that we can hear sounds of glass breaking, implying that the Alternate has broke in through the windows. Then it is revealed that the door to the room upstairs has been opened, before the footage is cut again.

Likewise to before, the video cuts to black with the text "SOUND INCREASE DETECTED AT 05:34 A.M, RECORDING START" showing up. The footage is pitch black, with the voice of a girl saying "Who are you? Get away from me. NO!" The "No!" echoes, showing Cesar's face distorting further as it does, eventually the screen turns black, only lit by the Alternate Cesar's two white eyes.

The eyes disappear, showing a text reading "It followed me home, Cesar." The video cuts to Mark's bedroom, focusing on his door. A glitching, motherly voice can be heard, repeatedly exclaiming she has a "gift" for Mark, and assuring she will not hurt him. The video cuts to black once more, a text continuing from before reads "I do not want to see what's on the other side. But it has been days. And nobody has come to help me."

The video cuts, showing nothing but a black screen with camera indicators, revealing that this is happening on September 15th, "92" at 10:58 P.M. An intensifying faint laugh can be heard from the distance, before Mark shouts the words "You fucking bastard!" A gunshot is heard as the screen turns red. A white text, in a whole different font, appears, reading "uh oh! bad decision, mark!" The video goes back to the footage, which is quiet for a few moments before the sound of fast approaching footsteps plays before the Alternate's face covers the camera.

An operator message can be heard, suggesting that the Alternate cut the telephone lines. A photo of Mark's dead body, with his handgun on his right hand, is shown. His face is covered and there's a text overlaying it, reading "Nobody came for me."

metaphysical awareness disorder[]

Released on October 1st, 2021


My Movie.mp4[]

Released on 24 February 2022


Soccer game 2009[]

Released on 14 March 2022



Encounter A (v1)[]

Released on July 4rd, 2021


Mark's Soliloquy[]

Released on July 16, 2021


Emergency Call Operator Training[]

Released on July 20, 2021



Released on July 30/31, 2021


The Mandela Catalogue - The THINK Principle[]

Released on June 19, 2021

The video starts off with static, that appears for about three seconds before starting a PSA from the "United States Department of Temporal Phenomena." The video starts by showing a logo resembling the face of a grandfather clock, with the phrase "Tempus Fugit" labelled on a ribbon design. The text in the middle reads "United States Department of Temporal Phenomena," below it, another text reads "Est. 1981," meaning that they've been around since, at least, 1981.

The Department reveals that they've been receiving countless reports of Alternate encounters, implying that the Alternates are invading the entirety of the United States, if not the whole world. The video proceeds with an explanation of what to do in case of an encounter with an Alternate and how to fight them if necessary. The PSA recommends to stay locked down inside your house and to have access to long-ranged weaponry, preferably a firearm.

A description of how to identify an Alternate by their physical appearances is provided, they are said to either have a near-identical physical appearance to their victims or to have biologically impossible features, both of which are recommended to run and hide from. In the case of one of them breaking and entering into your house, it is instructed to refrain from any communication, or contact of any kind as the Alternates use an unknown method of psychological warfare that almost always leads to the victim's suicide. The only contact seemingly accepted by the Department is to attempt to kill the Alternate.

After that, the video cuts to static, implying that the next section of the video has been tampered with just like the Christian Cartoon from before. The video continues, albeit without the narration, showing a text that suggests to follow the titular "T.H.I.N.K Principle" upon an encounter with an Alternate. T.H.I.N.K standing for "Tell an authority figure about your encounter," "Hinder the Alternate's movement," "Identify the class type," "Neutralize the Alternate (if safe to do so)" and "Know your place in reality," the last of which is tampered with by the Alternates, making it read "Kill yourself" for a few seconds instead.

The video follows with a brief demonstration of the three known types of Alternates, with the label "Know your enemy." The first type being the "Doppelgängers," Alternates who choose to torment their victim by looking just like them, but with minor differences that give them away, it is implied that they're the most common type of Alternates. When the video goes on to explain the second type of Alternates, the "Detectable," the video cuts to a image of the "Gabriel", then he show his true appearance to the viewer, implying that the Satan himself is a Detectable Alternate and that he doesn't want to let people know about his kind. After that, the video cuts to the third type, who are left unnamed because of the Fake Gabriel's intervention, they appear to choose to look like their victim, just like type one, but with the twist of distorting their features.

The video cuts to static again, before cutting to a shot of a shared bedroom, the lights are turned on revealing a shadowy figure (N) with visible eyes staring at whoever (Probably Cesar, Mark, or Concerned Friend/Cesar's Mom) is recording. The video then ends.

Makeship Plush Promo (Infiltration Reel)[]

Intruder Infiltration Reel[]

Released on May 6, 2022


Phone a Friend[]

Released on September 17, 2022


Preacher Infiltration Reel[]

Released on April 15, 2023


Never Really Over[]

Released on August 4, 2023




  • Thatcher Davis - Ex-Lieutenant of the Mandela Police Department. Forced on the task of solving and stopping the Alternate takeover and solving the kidnappings of thousands of children that Adam was a victim of as well. After the death of a fellow officer to the hands of an Alternate, Thatcher's main goal is to defeat the Alternate who killed the fellow officer and stop all of the Alternates for once... though he's just one man.
  • Adam Murray - Member of the Bythorne Paranormal Society, a club of people who investigate paranormal activity. After being kidnapped as a child by an unknown being not related to Alternates, Adam tries to find his missing mother and finds out a life changing secret while on the search.
  • Sarah Heathcliff - Founder of the Bythrone Paranormal Society. After losing her Brother to an Alternate attack due to police not responding to his calls for help, she tries to find out the truth of Alternates and take down the police department in revenge for her loss.
  • Evelin Miller - Ex-Girlfriend of Adam Murray. She broke up with Adam due an unexplainable change in personality that she plans on figuring out the reason for with the help of Sarah Heathcliff.
  • Mark Heathcliff - Brother of Sarah Heathcliff. After being baited by an Alternate to come to his deceased friend's house, he gets trapped in his house, leading to him go mad and kill himself.
  • Cesar Torres - Friend of Mark Heathcliff. Assimilated by an Alternate and said Alternate is responsible for the death of Mark. Not much else is known about him.


  • Archangel Gabriel - The first alternate and the Mandela Catalogue's version of Satan. Succeeded to take control of mankind by appearing as an alternate of The Real Gabriel, it is also the leader of Alternates.
  • The Intruder - The humanoid anomaly. Instead of being an alternate, but is the threat who works with The Alternates and “Gabriel” against humanity, it is also responsible for kidnapping over three thousand innocent children (one of them is Adam) and making their parents commit suicide from grief.
  • The Murray Residence Alternate - The unnamed alternate. Was manifested through the Television by Stanley/The Intruder and Adam, after killing Ruth Weaver and possibly Jude, it would even go further to stalk Thatcher seventeen years later.
  • Cesar's Alternate - An alternate of Cesar. Assimilated Cesar and made his friend Mark paranoid after tricking him into going to Cesar’s house (a trap, unbeknownst to Mark), it had also drove him to suicide after likely telling him that his religion, Christianity, was a complete lie.
  • The Preacher - An Alternate of an elderly nun. Also known as Messenger. An Alternate that stalked a toddler (though often referred to as an infant despite being 4 years old) Adam Murray in his home before The Intruder kidnapped him along with over three thousand other children.
  • GENESIS APOCRYPHON - The person who uploading various clips of The Beginner's Bible, with more darker and enigmatic tone. Implied to be have affilation with MandelaTECH, Alternates and Archangel Gabriel. Also known as allocateundamage.
  • The Facade - TBA.


  • Ruth Weaver - Thatcher's fellow officer and the sergeant of MCPD who had been killed by The Murray Residence Alternate, which lead Thatcher to planning to defeat it as a revenge.
  • Jonah Marshall - The third member of The Bythrone Paranormal Society. Went to the house at 3 nights alongside Adam (which was believed to be The Woman's) not realizing it was a trap and had ended up dying after leaving his quote-on-quote "friend" Adam behind.
  • Jude Murray - the husband of Lynn and more prominently, the father of Adam. Called The MCPD for help and was possibly killed off-screen by The Murray Residence Alternate after Lynn dies.
  • Lynn Murray - the wife of Jude and the mother of Adam. Committed suicide by hanging herself after realizing that The Intruder took her son Adam away.
  • Dave Lee - Manager of MandelaTECH (2000). Assisted Thatcher Davis with restoring supernatural related vhs tapes for him. Co-worker/boss of Evelin Miller at MandelaTECH. When his business started going downhill, and one of his friends, O'Brien, (Archangel Gabriel, but Dave didn't know that) invited him to a church gig at St. Gabriel's Church, he refused. Two years later, when he had to shut down, lay off Evelin Miller, told Thatcher that he would move on and stop assisting with the VHS tapes, called O'Brien and accepted his offer. Dave would cover up a CRT TV, turning his back on technology, and arrive at the previously mentioned church. He would call O'Brien to let him in, only to be greeted - rather unexpectedly - by Archangel Gabriel himself. After a short back and forth questioning, Gabriel would kill Dave that day.



Video Thumbnails[]


